Life at our house is as crazy as ever. Here's what's going on in a nutshell.
1. Potty training is going splendidly! We carry the frog potty with us EVERYWHERE we go, and people have pretty much stopped commenting on it.
2. Homeschooling is...going. The kindergartner is loving it, The 2nd grader-not so much.
3. We've started babysitting one of Gaius' friends from church 3 days a week, which is a lot of fun AND a nice distraction for Gaius.
4. I started my Christmas shopping a couple weeks ago. And officially started listening to Christmas music today.
5. The NY Jets started out the season strong BUT... (yes!!! that is major news to our family)
6. And I think that's about it for news around here. So far the fall has been one of those "a lot going on, but nothing to really report" kind of moments. There's a whirlwind to come though (another baby on Marc's side of the family and 2 weddings next summer). So we're just bracing ourselves for that.