Saturday, October 16, 2010

And Away We Go...

I'm going back on The South Beach Diet tomorrow. If you want to check out my progress you can go here to see. I wish I could start running again. But I think it would be wise to give my body a little more time. So it's walking for at least a few more weeks.

I took all 4 kids for a 2 mile walk today. Shoshannah cried for the first half and then finally went to sleep. I think we're going to start doing it on a regular basis again. She'll just have to deal.

Marc fed Sho her first bottle today. I guess she took it like a champ! I didn't know how it would go considering her usual reaction to a pacifier coming her way. This is great news! I think a date night is in the near future!

I've taken a more laid back approach to schooling this week. Shockingly enough we haven't fallen behind at all.

And that's life at the Gingerbread House at the moment.

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