Friday, November 26, 2010

30 Fun Facts *because I'm 30*

  1. I drink V8 every morning because it's good for me
  2. Neither my feet nor my legs have grown since I was 12
  3. I only use gift bags if I HAVE to. Yet I can't bring myself to throw them away when we receive them.
  4. I don't drink alcohol because it tastes bad, not because I have any convictions about it.
  5. I broke my arm when I was 11 and it's still very crooked today
  6. I've known my husband for 20 years
  7. I do my best thinking when I have my hands in dishwater
  8. I've taken piano, violin, guitar, and voice lessons. But I don't consider myself very musical.
  9. Sewing is my favorite art form!
  10. I believed in Jesus when I was 3½, and I still remember it to this day.
  11. I got married when I was 20
  12. I went to public, private, and home school. Private was my favorite!
  13. I learned how to take care of my house (cook, clean, laundry, etc) when I was 12 because my mom had cancer.
  14. I'm naturally athletic
  15. Fall is my favorite season
  16. I'm afraid of mice
  17. I'm not quiet or outspoken (this will mean more to you if you know my parents)
  18. I don't recycle
  19. I use at least one Pampered Chef tool everyday
  20. I love kids, especially my own
  21. I got my driver's licence when I was 16½
  22. I've only hit one deer in my life. I bumped it, it made a weird noise at me and ran off, but left quite a bit of damage.
  23. I played with dolls until I was probably 11 or 12. Whenever my youngest friend outgrew them.
  24. I don't like to be in the spotlight
  25. I have zero patience for clumsiness
  26. I LOVE all kinds of shopping, except grocery.
  27. I finally broke my nail bitting habit this year.
  28. My toenails are always painted
  29. I bit my brother's arm once, hard enough to break the skin, we told mom that a stick did it. She didn't question it, although there were obvious teeth marks.
  30. I grew up in a neighborhood filled with kids that all played together everyday after school, and I loved it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Korleen. I hope your day was as special as you are! :)