Monday, January 25, 2010

Comments to the Editor

I didn't really know what to expect with our recent announcement of our expanding family. I mean we are now entering the "big" family status (at least in today's standards). But no weird comments, so far! This whole weekend seems like a whirlwind. News travels fast when you're part of a big family (42 members combined!) and a close-knit church family (not to mention a mother and 8 year old son who are EXTREMELY excited about telling everyone the news). But I just want to re-live a couple of my absolute favorite reactions, and one "scary" one. :-)

1.) I was really looking forward to telling my 3 oldest nieces (ages: 10, 9, and 7) and their reaction did NOT disappoint me! We ended up having to call them because when we stopped at their house to tell them they weren't home. So we put our kids on speaker phone and had them yell "WE'RE HAVING A BABY". The girls started yelling and screaming and running about their house to tell their mom, who was napping because she works nights at the hospital.

2.) We ran into one of my favorite ladies from church at the store while we were out trying to find my family (another story for another day) so we could make the announcement. When we told her, she started crying and hugging us because she was so happy.

3.) And last but DEFINITELY not least was Xavier's reaction. The first words out of his mouth were "Now we'll be even with the Kohlers" (who are some really close friends of ours with 4 children). And then once we gave him the okay to tell anyone he wanted he promptly when to EVERY person in church and told them.

And then the one reaction I wasn't expecting was my dad telling me that he really wants me to have twins....Is he crazy?

So needless to say we're pretty excited around here!

Oh and P.S. I'm feeling pretty good! I can't really eat (but I'm not throwing up at least), in fact at the moment the only things that really sound tempting to me at any given time are Grapefruit, Raisin Bran, and yogurt (not all together). Thankfully they're all healthy. Since watching the scale go the other way is going to be VERY difficult for me!

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